Alumni Club

The Alumni Club unites and connects graduates of different generations and creates an environment for new opportunities. Shared interest of Alumni members provides a place for sharing experiences, traditions, recommendations, events and workshops.


Dear colleagues graduates!

Tourism and Hospitality as the prevailing activities of hotel industry unite professional and experts who need to be proficient in business communication, creativity and innovativeness to enable highest quality services for our guest. After formal education we still have to think boldly and creatively enough to be different, better, even the best. Following trends is of key importance in our profession.

The Alumni Club is a union of graduates with the common goal of co-creating conditions for personal and professional growth, maintaining contacts between members, professional cooperation, mutual help and social life. It is the benefit of the study and operates mutually with the educational establishment.

The Alumni Club performed projects such as ”Network of graduates”, ”Lifelong learning”, ”Tourist development of the environment”, ”Business contact”, ”Mentor in the company” and ”Knowledge exchange”. Such projects are a welcome enrichment of the study programme helping students to gain the awareness of practical sense of the profession, can enhance innovativeness in tourist destination, efficient performance of practical training and encourage continuation of formal education after graduation. Social meetings will help creating new ideas, connections and journeys.

Become the ambassadors of The Alumni Club!

For The Alumni Club

Helena Rošker, graduate and President of The Alumni Club

JURE GOLEŽ, lastnik podjetja Martour

»VSGT zame predstavlja več kot samo šolo – je prostor, ki da točno toliko, kot si želiš sam vzeti.«

MARJETKA HOLCMAN, osebna trenerka in lastnica gym centra CORE

»Naučila sem se uporabljati besedo velnes v pravi luči, podprto z vsemi velneškimi stebri.«

BOŠTJAN VOLK, chef Gostišča Volk in evropski mladi kuhar leta 2023

»VSGT mi je dala pomembno znanje za nadaljnjo poklicno pot, veliko dobre prakse in ogromno lepih spominov.«

FILIP ROSSI, direktor gostinstva in marketinga v vinski kleti Rossi v Istri

»Ko sem se odločil za študij na VSGT v Mariboru, so mi vsi rekli „pa kaj si ti nor“. Izkazalo se je, da je to bila ena izmed mojih najboljših izkušenj.«

NUŠA KOROTAJ, generalna direktorica Term Sveti Martin na Hrvaškem

»VSGT je bila odskočna deska za mojo kariero, pot v turizmu.«

JORG ZUPAN, lastnik in vodja kuhinje v restavraciji Breg in Aftr

»Nad kuhanjem sem se navdušil prav na VSGT, za kar sem še danes hvaležen.«

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