Awards and achievements

Our work, understanding the concept of quality and guidelines of development in hospitality and tourism sector and education demands for this sector make us comparable to similar institutions abroad. The International association of leading hotel schools EURHODIP awarded us the title European School of the year 2013. As the first school in Europe, we obtained the International certificate of quality EURHOQUAL in 2008, which stands for uniform high standards of academic excellence in the hospitality profession and is at the same time a sign of high-quality education. Excellent achievements of our students on national and international competitions and satisfied employers or performers of practical training of our students are additional proof of it. We are glad that our mentors succeed in delivering a quality knowledge and are successful in preparing our students for their competitions. Furthermore, it gives us special satisfaction to see that we induce the desire to learn in students, the desire to prove themselves and encourage competitive spirit.

Comprehensive involvement of VSGT Maribor in different projects and constant strive for development, progress and search for new possibilities and methods of development and improvements of the existing working methods are paid off when we receive an appraisal and win a competition. Our students test their knowledge, skills and creativity every year by participating on many international and national competitions of the best schools in sector. So far, our students have been awarded 110 gold, 147 silver and 80 bronze medals, 2 medals of excellence and a special award of the committee for the only realisable project in practice.

Mobilities, carried out at VSGT Maribor, have very often been awarded a special Award of excellence – Golden Apple of Quality, which is the highest national award for organisation and implementation of mobilities in the tertiary education. Until now, we received eight Golden Apples of Quality.

JURE GOLEŽ, lastnik podjetja Martour

»VSGT zame predstavlja več kot samo šolo – je prostor, ki da točno toliko, kot si želiš sam vzeti.«

MARJETKA HOLCMAN, osebna trenerka in lastnica gym centra CORE

»Naučila sem se uporabljati besedo velnes v pravi luči, podprto z vsemi velneškimi stebri.«

BOŠTJAN VOLK, chef Gostišča Volk in evropski mladi kuhar leta 2023

»VSGT mi je dala pomembno znanje za nadaljnjo poklicno pot, veliko dobre prakse in ogromno lepih spominov.«

FILIP ROSSI, direktor gostinstva in marketinga v vinski kleti Rossi v Istri

»Ko sem se odločil za študij na VSGT v Mariboru, so mi vsi rekli „pa kaj si ti nor“. Izkazalo se je, da je to bila ena izmed mojih najboljših izkušenj.«

NUŠA KOROTAJ, generalna direktorica Term Sveti Martin na Hrvaškem

»VSGT je bila odskočna deska za mojo kariero, pot v turizmu.«

JORG ZUPAN, lastnik in vodja kuhinje v restavraciji Breg in Aftr

»Nad kuhanjem sem se navdušil prav na VSGT, za kar sem še danes hvaležen.«

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