International projects*:
*More information on our projects available below.
Epic Stays
Project: Erasmus+
Duration: 31 December 2023 – 30 December 2025
Partners: Hólar University (HU), Iceland, NHL Stenden, The Netherlands, Technological University of the Shannon, Ireland, Momentum Consulting, Ireland, VSGT Maribor, Slovenia
EPIC STAYS will develop a new VET offering and upskill European tourism businesses leading to the development of new, alternative tourism accommodation (ATA) in Iceland, Ireland, Netherlands, Italy and Slovenia and thereafter across Europe. By 2025, we will upskill 50+ VET educators and 500+ VET learners with knowledge, current facts and best practices regarding ATA and its potential to address the EU accommodation crisis, climate change, changing consumer trends as well as market opportunities.
EPIC STAYS will design and implement an alternative tourism accommodation VET programme for first use by partners and associate partners. Key activities will include researching the benefits, challenges and drivers of ATA across Europe, developing a niche VET teaching and learning materials for classroom and online use, initiating capacity building and sustainability actions to ensure wider European use. Other key activities will include project evaluation and promotion.
EPIC STAYS will innovate the work of the partners and our associates by introducing a new VET tourism training offering to their work and help them become Europe’s first experts in this field. The alternative tourism accommodation market is poised for growth, making EPIC STAYS of high value to European tourism SME’s, particularly those in remote, rural regions in Europe. Ultimately, the project will help refocus European tourism VET for a more sustainable, resilient and prosperous future.
Project: Erasmus+ KA220
Duration: November 2023 – June 2025
Partners: TUS Ireland, LHD France, ITS Malta, VSGT Maribor, MTU
The main objective of the project is to identify and evaluate examples of good practices to reduce food waste in gastronomy and to implement the circular economy and innovative forms of food production. Based on the situation analysis, the project then focuses on the development of online learning content and a digital classroom for the Green Culinary Skills micro-certificate (digital badge). The final activities of the project are aimed at desiminating the results and promoting the project impacts.
Project: Erasmus+ KA220
Duration: November 2022 – March 2025
Partners: Višja strokovna šola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor (Slovenia), FAS (Iceland), Momentum (Ireland), Mood of Finland (Finland), EUEI (Denmark), FtHUB (Portugal).
The main objective of the ForestWell project is to develop an innovative and sustainable learning module in the AR environment, linking the overarching theme of forests to the fields of wellness, tourism and gastronomy. The module is aimed at VET students and lecturers, entrepreneurs and other interested stakeholders. The project has a green, sustainable and digital orientation and through its impacts it contributes to all communities in the partner environments.
Project: Erasmus+ KA220 |
Duration: November 2021 – April 2024
Partners: Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (Ireland), Višja strokovna šola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor (Slovenia), DomSpain Slu (Spain), EURACOM (France), Instituto Politecnico de Viana de Castelo (Portugal), Bia Innovator Campus CLG (Ireland).
The project focuses on sustainable business content within the hospitality and tourism industry, which will be crucial for a successful economic recovery during the epidemic. In line with the European SME Strategy 2020, examples of good practices characterised by sustainable business and continuous business innovation will be encouraged and promoted, as well as cooperation and networking between industry and educational institutions to develop the key competences that the economy needs to recover successfully and as quickly as possible.
The main objectives of the project are:
The key outputs of the project will be:
Project: Erasmus+ KA226| Project No.: KA226-63DD0B46
Duration: 1st March 2021 – 28th February 2023
The key outputs of the project will be:
Project: Erasmus+ KA202 | Project No.: 621401-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-EPPKA2-SSA
Duration: 1st November 2020 – 1st November 2023
Partners: Inštitut za usposabljanje kadrov v mednarodnih organizacijah (ITPIO), Bulgaria, Turistična zbornica Bolgarije (BTC), Bulgaria, Zemedelska strokovna gimnazija “Kliment Timiryazev” (ZPG), Bulgaria, Center Republike Slovenije za poklicno izobraževanje (CPI), Slovenia, Savinjsko-šaleška gospodarska zbornica (SSGZ), Slovenia, Višja strokovna šola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor (VSGT), Slovenia, Nacionalni center za izobraževanje (VISC), Latvia, Združenje letovišč Latvije (LRA), Latvia, Tehnična šola za modo in oblikovanje v Rigi (RSMT), Latvia, DIMITRA Izobraževanje & Svetovanje SA, Grčija, Združenje občin s termalnimi vrelci (HATS), Greece, Združenje zdraviliškega in velneškega turizma Srbije (ZVST), Serbia, Farmacevtsko – fizioterapevtska šola (FFS), Serbia, Tiber Umbria Comett izobraževalni program (TUCEP), Italy, FEDERTURISMO CONFINDUSTRIA turistično združenje (FC), Italy, Skupina AFORMAC (AFORMAC), France, Zveza obrtnikov in gostinstva Puy de dôme (UMIH), France, Inthecity projekt (Inthecity), the Netherlands, Mednarodna zveza za hidroterapijo in klimatsko terapijo (FEMTEC), Italy.
WeSkill: Wellness and SPA Tourism sectoral skills Development
The value of the health and wellness market in Western Europe has increased substantially between 2013 and 2018”. At the beginning of the period observed the health and wellness market valued approximately 126 billion euro and increased to around 149 billion euro in 2018. The health and wellness market in Eastern Europe experienced a similar increase in market value, increasing from approximately 22 billion euros in 2013 to 30.5 billion in 2018. The health and wellness trend has continued to grow across Europe as more individuals realize the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle.
The main challenge in the further development of the wellness tourism in response to the growing interest of tourists, as well as of the demand for wellness packages that include diversity of services is availability of qualified staff. All categories of partners who participate in this project (representative organizations, sectoral umbrella organization, qualification authorities, VET providers) are key actors in modernization and advancement of VET and new sector skills in their respective countries and implement main project activities on a regular basis.
The project’s main objective is to be designed transnational curricula and respective training content in wellness and spa tourism sector. There will be developed 5 transnational modular curricula based on learning outcomes for learners at EQF 4 and companies’ employees occupying EQF 4 related qualifications. Equipping VET students and adults/employees from the sector being trainees with the missing skills, by using a strong modern personalized didactic tool (multilingual training mobile app), the WeSkill project will try to make wellness and spa tourism sector more appealing, sustainable, advanced and competitive in the EU area.
Short newsletters are available below:
More information:
DETOUR – development of new competences in wellness
Project: Erasmus+ KA202 | Project No.: 2019-1-UK01-KA202-061904
Duration: 1st October 2019 – 1st October 2021
Partners: Ireland, Scotland, Slovenia, Azores, Iceland
Višja strokovna šola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor is participating in the DETOUR project, whose lead partner is the University of the Highlands and Islands in Scotland. It is a two-year project focusing on building the skills of people working in this fast-growing sector.
The project aims to connect with companies and organisations working in the field of wellness and wellbeing, to better understand the needs, knowledge and understanding of wellbeing, opportunities and above all, to jointly identify areas where it would be beneficial to build on the skills and knowledge of all staff. The DETOUR project aims to help educational institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises,
DMOs and other tourism organisations working in the field of tourism to offer knowledge and skills to better exploit current and future favourable tourism opportunities. All with a view to fostering innovation,
market diversification and fostering regional growth.
Project: Erasmus+ KA202 | Project No.: 2019-1-UK01-KA202-061656
Duration: 1st October 2019 – 1st October 2021
Partners: Galway County Council, Ireland, Centro de formacion de administracion y hosteleria SL, Spain, European E-learning Institute, Denmark, Momentum marketing services limited, Ireland, Balkanska Agenciya za Ustoychivo Razvitie, Bulgaria in Trade management services Ltd, United Kingdom as the leading partner.
The project aims primarily to improve the quality of the food offered by small and medium-sized providers and has the following priorities:
The objectives of the project are:
Successfully completed projects: