VSGT Maribor every year organizes Erasmus+ week – activities for international visiting lecturers (HOSPITALITY CROSSROADS ERASMUS WEEK FOR TEACHING STAFF) and activities for students (Erasmus+ day).
ERASMUS+ DAY will take place on 19 January and is a international career day for students deciding for mobility abroad. Erasmus+ day is promotion of Erasmus programme, encouragement for mobility and knowledge and information transfer to all students of VSGT Maribor as well as lecturers and employees of VSGT Maribor. The event is very important since it enables personal contact with representatives of companies we cooperate and have established a quality system of mentorship and a long-time successful cooperation. This year the following three companies will participate:
HOSPITALITY CROSSROADS ERASMUS WEEK FOR TEACHING STAFF is a part of our Erasmus+ week intended for visiting lecturers from abroad. Three visiting lecturers will share their ideas and thoughts:
Summarizing good practices from other countries we strive to maintain highest possible standards which demands personal and individual approach of students and visiting organizations. Personal approach stimulates also other forms of cooperation (mobility of emloyees, project cooperation, study visits). Event is also a chance to promote values and provisions of ECHE charter that are part of our everyday work in all areas.