In 2022 we will again take time for us. Together we are stronger! Following successfully finished first project “Vzemi si čas za nas” in 2021 Višja strokovna šola za gostinstvo, velnes in turizem Bled, Višja strokovna šola BIC Ljubljana and Višja strokovna šola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor we continue the path of successful networking and cooperation in the field of tourism. Four mentors, Boža Grafenauer, Lea Kužnik, Brigita Pavlič and Lazar Pavić, and 24 students of Wellness study programme and Tourism module of Hospitality and Tourism study programme had introductory project meeting on Wednesday, 19 January 2022.
#vzemisicaszanas #vsgt #povezovanje #projekt
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